Manheim Soccer Code of Conduct Rules & Regulations for All Participants
I / We will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other MSC Sports event.
I / We will demand a drug, alcohol and tobacco free environment for my child and myself.
I / We agree to assist by refraining from the use of said substances at all MASC events.
I / We treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.
I / We will provide support for all MASC coaches and officials (which may include fundraising activities, working refreshment or concession stands, assignments to committees or other necessary functions.)
I / We will work to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all.
I / We realize I / we represent the MSC, and therefore I/we will be on our best behavior at all practices and games either as a participant or spectator. There is to be no abusive, disrespectful, discriminatory or inappropriate language or behavior at any time.
I /We will notify our coach as soon as possible if we are going to be late, miss a practice or cannot attend a game.
I /We promise to be considerate to others and schedule doctor appointments, hair appointments, shopping trips, and etc. at all times that do not conflict with scheduled activities such as practices or games.
I /We realize that is a very important to practice as team; it is not fair or considerate to others on the team if we do not make every effort to attend practices and other scheduled events.
Administrative disciplinary action may be taken at the discretion of any MSC Board Member. The MSC Board of Officers will review all disciplinary action. Any MSC parent/guardian or MSC participant seen by a board member acting in a manner unbecoming of a participant could mean immediate suspension from the event or from all scheduled events either permanently or for a designated period of time. The respective MASC Board Member may immediately suspend a child or adult not to exceed two (2) events. Any suspension beyond two (2) events or expulsion from the activity must be made by the majority vote of the MSC Board of Officers.
Parent/Guardian Appeal Process
Any Parent/Guardian who has a disagreement with a coach should attempt to resolve the issue with the coach. If the issue cannot be resolved at that level the parent/guardian should address the disagreement with the coordinator of the specific age group. Any parent/guardian who has a disagreement with the coordinator which cannot be resolved at that level may contact the MSC President or his / her designee to request a formal review of the disagreement or grievance. Before a board action may take place the party with the grievance must direct written correspondence to the MSC President or his/her designee explaining the details and/or allegations. (Names, dates, times, places and a brief summary of the problem or allegation) The board must address the matter within 35 calendar days of receipt of the parental / guardian complaint or grievance.