This Plan covers all Manheim Soccer Club participants, including but not limited to; spectators, players, coaches, referees, managers, and Board Members, with regards to all programs, including but not limited to; Soccer Tots, Intramural Program, Recreational Program, Travel Program.
In developing this plan, Manheim Soccer Club has and will continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association (“EPYSA”) recommended guidelines to help protect players, coaches, officials, and spectators from the spread of COVID-19. We are and will continue to require all Manheim Soccer Club affiliated participants and spectators to comply with EPYSA and the CDC’s updated guidelines, along with applicable government requirements and executive orders. Additionally, Manheim Soccer Club will honor rules set forth by our local governing leagues, Central Penn Youth Soccer League “CPYSL” and Lancaster Area Recreational Soccer “LARS”.
Adrian Young, [email protected] or 717-333-0440 is the Manheim Soccer Club COVID contact
Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association
League Specific Information
Lancaster Area Recreational Soccer League
Lanco York USA Travel Soccer League
Central Pennsylvania Youth Soccer League
According to the CDC, COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. We are still learning about how the virus spreads and the severity of illness it causes. For more information please see the CDC website:
According to the CDC, here are steps you can take to protect yourself & others:
- Know how it spreads
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid close contact
- Cover your mouth & nose with a mask when around others
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect
- Monitor your health daily
For more information, please see the CDC website:
Coach Protocols:
Coaches must supply their medical kit or bag with gloves, extra masks, sanitizer/disinfectant wipes for hands/equipment, and facial tissues. Lysol spray if directed to spray outhouses.
Attempt to keep 6’ from players. Wearing a mask from the time they exit the car until reentering car.
Face shields are permitted if heat should be an issue.
Procedure if coach should fall ill. Club must contact members of their team(s). Players should quarantine for 14 days.
Equipment: Sanitize all equipment prior to and after training sessions. Only coaches may touch or move equipment. Players and parents do not touch or move equipment. Keeper gloves must be sanitized before and after play and not shared. Scrimmage vests are not recommended but if used, wash after every training session or game and not to be shared.
If a player is injured, only one coach is to attend to that player while wearing mask and gloves.
Parent Covid-19 Plan:
Refrain from carpooling unless necessary.
Only parents/guardians are to inform the coach of an illness or exposure, not the player.
If a player has contact with a Covid-19 positive person within the first two weeks before practice starts, they must quarantine until two weeks have elapsed. Return to the team will be up to the club’s discretion.
If a player falls ill within a week of the season ending, parents should contact the club Covid-19 contact. Club shall notify team.
If a player has a temperature 100.4 or above, parents need to inform coach immediately. If the team has met, the team should be put on hold until more information is provided.
If a player falls ill, a medical professional must determine if it’s Covid-19. The team will be put on hold until test results are provided and player is cleared to be safe to return to play.
If a player tests positive for Covid-19, the team must quarantine for 14 days. The positive player must get written permission from medical professional that it is safe for them to return.
If a game player tests positive for Covid-19, the club they played in last two weeks must be notified immediately.
If a player’s family member should test Covid-19 positive, the club contact should be informed immediately, player should be quarantined for 14 days at a minimum. It will be up to the club’s discretion as to when the player should return to the team.
If a team should be required to quarantine, the suspected/confirmed ill player involved will not have their name released to protect their privacy.
GAME PLAY PROTOCOLS (subject to change as PA mandates change)
Specific to Equipment
Players and parents are not permitted to touch or move equipment.
Keeper gloves must be sanitized before and after play and not shared.
Players are to bring a sanitized soccer ball, sufficient amount of bottled water clearly marked with their name, hand sanitizer, and 2 masks. If a player is a goalie and has their own gloves, it is recommended they bring them and are not permitted to share. Players equipment must stay with the player at their spot on the sideline.
Spitting is not permitted and everyone is encouraged to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use the inside of their elbow.
When a player throws in a ball, once they return to the bench they should sanitize their hands.
Upon completion of the game, players should sanitize their hands and exterior of water bottles.
Specific to Practices
Players are to have their temperatures checked by parents 30 minutes prior. See Club’s Covid19 Plan for reporting procedures.
Spectators are not permitted at practices.
Players are to be dropped off/picked up at the parking lot wearing a mask.
Players are only allowed to go onto the field once the coach arrives on the field to make sure players follow protocol.
Players will be separated 6’ apart during practice exercises when not in active play.
Specific to Competitive Games
Players are to have their temperatures checked by parents 30 minutes prior. See Club’s Covid19 Plan for reporting procedures.
Masks are to be worn by spectators and players when exiting their cars until re-entering cars end of game.
Clubs coaches will provide a separate place for players that need to ‘cool down’ when coming off the field when needing to breathe without a mask for a few minutes. Players in this area must be 6’ apart and in a row.
At the end of games, clubs are to utilize touchless forms of after game good sportsmanship appreciation between the two teams. Hand slapping, fist bumps, and high fives are not permitted. The league is recommending players be masked, spaced 6’ apart and clapping as each player passes.
Throw-ins are permitted as they are part of the game. When the player returns to the sideline, either the coach is to provide a squirt of hand sanitizer or the player can get their own from their bag.
Specific to Spectators:
All spectators are to be wearing a mask when they exit their cars until they reenter their car. Face shields are acceptable if heat should be an issue.
Spectators are not permitted to assist coaches, be in the bench area, or go out onto the field at any time including if a player is injured.
There is a new seating arrangement for the Fall Season. Home club will be on one side of the field with their spectators. The other side of the field will be for the away team with their spectators. The half way mark will divide the team from the spectators.
Team will be stationed close to the goal area to allow for sufficient space away from spectators at the halfway mark. It is strongly requested spectators do not engage the coach or the players. Spectators are urged to resist temptation to “help the coach” coach because you will be on the same side of the field.
To allow for appropriate spacing between families, the league is limiting 2 spectators per player be allowed to sit at the sideline. Spectators are to sit 6’ apart from next family and back 3’ from the sideline. Additional spectators are to sit in the next row 6’ back. It’s recommended you sit staggered to allow for optimal viewing.
If for health reasons a spectator cannot safely wear a mask, they are not permitted at the sideline. They must sit in a row behind all other rows sufficiently distanced from other spectators for their safety.
Extended family members of players may come to the games, share these Spectator Protocols so there is not confusion on game day and coaches can focus on the kids.
Spectators are not to touch any ball that goes out of bounds, let a player or coach retrieve it.
Spectators must expediently leave the field directly after the game concludes so as to minimize cross traffic with the next game. League will provide additional time between games.
Parents are asked to not engage another parent about following protocols. We do not want the kids upset as their world has already been turned upside down. If a protocol is not being adhered to, rather than creating a distraction, it is recommended you move to a safe distance from them and they will be addressed as the coach sees appropriate which may be via email. If protocols are not followed, the parents may not be able to return, failure to follow again, the player may not be able to return.
Parents will be seeing each other after a long break… Air Hugs are strongly recommended!
Your kids are depending on you to stay healthy!